Saturday, February 12, 2011

P&Q for March 2011

I'm looking forward to taking on next month's challenge: Old-World Braided Coffee Cake. It's another yeast recipe for us this year. Are you noticing a trend? I figure the more practice some of us (yeast phobes - myself included) get, the better we'll get at it :o)

If you have any comments or questions regarding this recipe, please post them in the comment section of this post so that we can help each other out. Thanks.


  1. Ok people, is anyone having a bit of trouble visualizing the steps to form the actual cake? I'm having a major blond moment here!

  2. Monica, I found this helpful tutorial here:
    I will also email you an illustration that I found in my copy of Nick Malgieri's "How to bake". I hope that helps.

  3. One more thing. One of our ABC bakers, Lynnette, already made this recipe this past weekend, and said it was great. She only cautioned to watch for the baking time as to not overbake it, otherwise it might be a bit dry.

  4. I baked last week and forgot to mention it here but I second Lynnette, mine was a tad too dry to my taste. Husband took a substantial part with him to the office and it was liked by everyone.
